- Union Pacific Railroad's Steam Locomotives Join the App WorldOctober 28, 2011
- Union Pacific's Iconic Steam Locomotive No. 844 to Join State Centennial Celebrations in New Mexico, ArizonaOctober 10, 2011
- Union Pacific's Historic Steam Locomotive No. 844 Going to North Platte's Rail Fest CelebrationSeptember 5, 2011
- Legendary Union Pacific Railroad Steam Locomotive to Pull Cheyenne Frontier Days Special TrainJuly 13, 2011
- Last Steam Locomotive Built for Union Pacific Railroad Is Greeted by Thousands Along the 2,500-mile Little Rock Express Tour RouteJune 1, 2011
- Union Pacific's Steam Locomotive Prepares to Visit Old Fans and New FriendsMay 3, 2011
- Union Pacific Railroad's Little Rock Express Steam Tour Overnight and Display Locations EstablishedMarch 25, 2011
- Union Pacific's Little Rock Express Steam ExcursionMarch 7, 2011
- Little Rock Express Edges Tuscola Turn to Win Union Pacific Railroad's Great Excursion Adventure - You Route the Steam ContestJanuary 18, 2011
- Tour Route Finalists Named in Union Pacific Railroad's Great Excursion Adventure - You Route the Steam ContestJanuary 4, 2011
- Union Pacific Railroad Invention Still Takes Skiers to the TopNovember 29, 2010
- Union Pacific Rallies Railroad Fans to Vote Early and Often to Bring Legendary Steam Locomotive to Their Towns November 9, 2010
- Legendary Union Pacific Railroad Steam Locomotive to Pull 50th Anniversary Special for the Union Pacific Museum October 28, 2010
- Union Pacific Railroad's World's Largest Operating Steam Locomotive to Pull 'Ringling Bros.' Circus Train on Way to Sedalia, Mo., CelebrationSeptember 15, 2010
- Union Pacific Railroad's Iconic Steam Locomotive to Tour the Pacific Northwest September 2, 2010
- Legendary Union Pacific Railroad Steam Locomotive to Pull Cheyenne Frontier Days Special Train July 7, 2010
- Union Pacific Railroad's Legendary Steam Locomotive To Be a Part of Milliken, Colorado's Centennial Celebration June 7, 2010
- Last Steam Locomotive Built for Union Pacific Railroad Visits South Texas for the First Time to Celebrate Railroad History and HeritageApril 5, 2010
- Union Pacific Railroad's Legendary Steam Locomotive to Visit South Texas On a Heritage Tour March 15, 2010
- Last Steam Locomotive Built For Union Pacific Visits North Platte During Railroad CelebrationSeptember 18, 2009
- Union Pacific's Historic Steam Locomotive No. 844 Coming to North Platte's Railfest CelebrationSeptember 9, 2009
- Last Steam Locomotive Built for Union Pacific Pulls Cheyenne Frontier Days Special TrainJuly 17, 2009
- Cheyenne Frontier Days Special Train To Be Pulled by Legendary Union Pacific Steam LocomotiveJuly 7, 2009
- Last Steam Locomotive Built for Union Pacific Visits Omaha for Railroad Heritage CelebrationJune 18, 2009
- Union Pacific's Historic Steam Locomotive No. 844 Coming to Omaha/ Council Bluffs for Railroad Days Celebration June 1, 2009
- Hear That Train A Comin' : Historic Steam Locomotive To Visit the West on Heritage TourApril 6, 2009
The statements and information contained in the news releases provided by Union Pacific speak only as of the date issued. Such information by its nature may become outdated, and investors should not assume that the statements and information contained in Union Pacific's news releases remain current after the date issued. Union Pacific makes no commitment, and disclaims any duty, to update any of this information.